Blue Light Card is the largest online and high street discount service for the NHS, Emergency Services and Armed Forces with 2 million registered members across the UK. Blue Light Card provide a vetted Blue Light Card High Street Card to members to access certain offers and services on our website and app.

We are now receiving increasing numbers of requests from companies for assistance with verification of Blue Light Card members. We are now making API access available to selected partners who want to use this service to enhance a product or service to this extremely important group of workers. API access requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis depending on individual business needs.

The API runs independently to Blue Light Card and can be embedded into your own website or mobile application. With GDPR in mind all Blue Light Card will provide companies with the verification results in a true or false result set. This means members can be confident no personal information is being shared outside the original request of the validation. This also means companies can verify NHS and Emergency Service staff safely in the knowledge they are not having to maintain or acquire further information outside the need to provide the selected service.

Requests can verify NHS members, Verify Police Service, Verify Fire Service, Verify Ambulance Service and many more as individual or grouped checks. This means companies can use the service to provide checking for one of more categories of member on this service.

How do I find out more?

If you are a company wanting to find out more information how you can use out Emergency Service, NHS verification API please email us via the link below.

Enquire about Verify API