Save on supplements

Save on supplements

Need a little lift? 

While most of us should get all the nutrients we need through a varied and balanced diet, it is increasingly common for many of us to be slightly low in some key areas.

We're here to help you save on that little bit of extra assistance you might need to meet your body's needs.

Common vitamins and minerals you might be low in, include:

Vitamin D ​– It can be easy to stay on top of this vitamin during the sunny summer months, but harder during a cold and dark winter. It’s recommended to have 10 micrograms a day to stay feeling your best.

Iron – Important for making red blood cells, low iron levels can make you feel tired and sluggish. You can absorb iron in red meat as well as beans, nuts, and fortified cereals but - as men need 8.7mg a day and women a whopping 14.8mg a day - supplements can sometimes be necessary. 

Calcium ​– While it’s widely known that this mineral keeps our teeth and bones healthy, did you know that calcium also helps regulate muscle contractions? Good sources of calcium include dairy products, leafy greens, and some types of small fish but you should be consuming approximately 700mg a day (up to a maximum of 1,500mg a day).

Vitamin C ​– This vitamin protects and helps maintain the cells in your body. Lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy. So, if you aren’t regularly eating your 5-a-day (or struggle to absorb it from your diet), you should consider taking 40mg every day.

Some vitamins and minerals can be absorbed on an empty stomach while combination multivitamins may often need dietary fat to be absorbed properly. That’s why it’s often best to take a multivitamin alongside, or after, a meal or snack. 

Need a bit of a boost? 

Save on supplements including 20% off award-winning snacks and supplements with Grenade plus 15% off online orders and 10% off when you shop in-store at Holland & Barrett. 

You can also save sitewide with an amazing 55% off sleep aids, skincare remedies or energy enhancers at Myvitamins or – if you’re looking for top savings on protein powders and probiotics – you can save 22% with Garden of Life. 

*All recommended values based on figures outlined on